Directed by Junichi Satoh (“Sailor Moon”) and Tomotaka Shibayama, A Whisker Away, is the new anime film from Netflix that will surely tug at our heartstrings. The film will also be written by Mari Okada, the one who brought us Ano Hana: The Flower We Saw that Day and The Anthem of Heart so otakus are probably going to expect another crying fest.
A Whisker Away is about Miyo Sasaki, nicknamed “Muge” meaning “infinitely mysterious,” has a bright personality and is full of energy at school and at home. She is also secretly in love with her classmate Kento Hinode. Miyo tries repeatedly to get Kento’s attention, but he takes no notice of her. She realizes that the only way to get close to him is to transform into a cat, but at some point, the boundary between herself and the cat becomes ambiguous, and she is forced to give up her life as a human.
From producer Twin Engine and Studio Colorido, the film will star Mirai Shida the main cast of Ghibli’s “The Secret World of Arrietty” and “The Wind Rises”, Natsuki Hanae of “Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba” and “Tokyo Ghoul”, and Koichi Yamadera from “Ghost in the shell: SAC_2045”.
The film will premier on Netflix this June 18! Watch the official trailer here: