This Monday (August 17), Host Winnie Monsod tackles “the next big crisis” brought by the pandemic: hunger. Monsod will also discuss with Department of Agriculture Secretary William Dar how the agency is leading the Task Group on Food Security, as well as how they are addressing the crisis.
Meanwhile, in the “Tita Reacts” segment, Tita Winnie judges impressive make-up transformation videos. From drag to cosplay to special effects make-up—find out who will be hailed as “Kampeon sa Ka-ART-ehan.”
Tita Winnie’s journey as a #plantita continues with the guidance of online gardening guru Bea Hardinera. Will Tita Winnie’s container garden finally flourish and prove her black thumb wrong?
Watch Newsmakers every Monday at 8:30 p.m in New Normal: The Survival Guide, only on GMA News TV.