Jennifer Aniston and Brad Pitt reunited in “Fast Times at Ridgemont High” virtual table read

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By: Katrina Franco


The much-awaited reunion of our favorite former Hollywood couple happened as Jennifer Aniston and Brad Pitt were reunited in the virtual table read of Fast Times at Ridgemont High.

Other star-studded actors were also present in the event, namely, Dane Cook, Morgan Freeman, Henry Golding, Jimmy Kimmel, Shia LaBeouf, John Legend, Ray Liotta, Matthew McConaughey, Sean Penn and Julia Roberts.

In an Entertainment Live interview with Dane Cook promoting the event, it was mentioned that “there’s definitely romantic moments and scenes with people that you’d like to see connecting with each other.” This statement intensified the excitement of fans as they anticipated the reunion of Jennifer Aniston and Brad Pitt.

SEA Wave Fast Times at Ridgemont High

Fast Times At Ridgemont High Promo Poster from Universal Studios

Fast Times at Ridgemont High revolves around a group of Southern Californian high school students in the ‘80s driven by love and curiosity, exploring their school lives, careers and relationships. Among the cast of characters were were Linda Barett (played by Jennifer Aniston) and Brad Hamilton (played by Brad Pitt), who were romantically linked and were involved in a steamy scene.

A lot of interaction happened between the two during the virtual table read. It started when Brad greeted Jennifer Aniston saying, “Hi Aniston,” then Aniston replied, “Hi Pitt.” Brad Pitt also asked how she was doing. She replied, “Good, honey. How you doin’?” It cannot be denied that the chemistry between the two is still present. The virtual table read is a must-watch for those fans who waited this long for Jennifer Aniston and Brad Pitt to reunite on screen.

SEA Wave Fast Times at Ridgemont High

Image from CORE

The virtual table read was a fundraising project organized by Dane Cook for the benefit of nonprofit relief organization CORE (Community Organized Relief Effort), and Reform Alliance, an organization fighting for people who are unjustly imprisoned by the US criminal justice system. One of the original actors from the film, Sean Penn who played Jeff Spicoli, founded CORE in 2010 – initially as a relief organization in the wake of the Haiti earthquake. Over the years, it has expanded its efforts into other communities affected by natural disasters and has since delivered 100 tons of supplies to communities in need, treated 500,000 patients, relocated 60,000 people to permanent homes, and administered over a million COVID-19 tests in the United States alone.

Watch the Fast Times at Ridgemont High virtual table read below and check out CORE’s Facebook page at

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