Following the success of shows like Wandavision, The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, and the recently released Loki, Disney and Marvel announced that Hawkeye will debut on November 24 as the fourth live-action series in the Marvel franchise. Jeremy Renner will reprise his role as the famed superhero archer, with the show introducing newcomer Kate Bishop (Hailee Steinfeld) as an archer-in-training.
“[Kate is] a 22-year-old kid and she’s a big Hawkeye fan,” Renner said during an interview with Entertainment Weekly. “She has a wonderfully annoying and equally charming manner about her, because she’s such a fangirl of Hawkeye. The relationship grows from that, but the biggest problem for Clint is Kate Bishop and the onslaught of problems that she brings into his life.”
The announcement was posted along with the first official image of the series that shows Renner’s Clint Barton facing an eager Kate Bishop holding a bow, hinting that the plot will surround Barton as he trains Bishop to become the next Hawkeye.
#Hawkeye never misses 🏹 so don’t miss @JeremyRenner and @HaileeSteinfeld in this @EW exclusive first-look of Marvel Studios’ Hawkeye. The Original Series starts streaming Wednesday, November 24 on @DisneyPlus.
— Marvel Studios (@MarvelStudios) July 29, 2021
Hawkeye will also be a continuation of sorts to the recently premiered Black Widow. Florence Pugh reprises her role as Yelena Belova to get revenge on Clint Barton for the role she believes he played in Natasha’s death. This occurs after she is seen being recruited by Contessa Valentina Allegra de Fontaine played by Julia louis-Dreyfus in the Black Widow’s post-credit scene.
The series will also star Vera Farmiga, Fra Fee, Tony Dalton, Alaqua Cox and Zahn McClaron with Jonathan Igla as the show’s writer and executive producer.
Jeremy Renner also shares a glimpse of his relationship with his co-star as he takes it upon himself to welcome Hailee Steinfeld into the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
“That was always my role. Outside of acting in the thing, I was protecting her and giving her the CliffsNotes on how it goes with this kind of filmmaking: Green screen, superhero life, all that stuff,” Renner said. “I just wanted to protect her, because there’s a lot of physical stuff. She’s a wonderful actress, a wonderful human, and I can’t wait to see all the cool stuff that she’s able to do.”
Hawkeye is set to premiere on Disney+ on November 24 with new episodes being released every Wednesday.