The series adaptation of George RR Martin’s “House of the Dragon” was well received by both viewers and critics. With its series precursor “Game of Thrones” running 8 seasons, “House of the Dragon” is no less expected to be a hit with viewers as well.
HBO network chief Casey Bloys announced the exciting news that the follow-up series “House Of The Dragon” will be renewed for a second season during a press event in New York last November 2. Season 2 will premiere in “early summer” 2024 on HBO and Max.
The series follows the timeline of George RR Martin’s books “Fire & Blood” and “House of the Dragon” focusing on the Targaryen dynasty 200 years before the #GameOfThrones series and 100 years after the Targaryens united the Seven Kingdoms.
Are you excited to see the Targaryens back next year? In the meantime, binge watch season 1 and refresh your memory to hype up the next season.
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