As dedicated generations of Dragon Ball fans celebrated Goku Day, Toei Animation—the company that televised the famed anime—released a major update by announcing a new Dragon Ball movie in the works for 2022!
Since 1984, the Dragon Ball manga series written and illustrated by Akira Toriyama has left a distinct mark in popular culture. After the series was first animated and televised in 1986, the anime quickly became a global phenomenon. To this day, it continues to evolve with multiple spin-offs—including this new movie.
According to Toei Animation, the new Dragon Ball Super movie (not its official title yet) will be a sequel to the 2015 box office hit Broly, and has been in the works since 2018.
To the delight of fans, it was also announced that the original Dragon Ball writer and illustrator Akira Toriyama will be directly involved in the production of the film – including story composition, character design, and even the lines of the official script.
Very little has been revealed about the upcoming movie, but the production team and Toriyama seem to like to keep it that way. On its official website however, Toriyama wrote a letter to the fans, saying: “I really shouldn’t talk too much about the plot yet, but be prepared for some extreme and entertaining bouts, which may feature an unexpected character. We’ll be charting through some unexplored territory in terms of the visual aesthetics to give the audience an amazing ride, so I hope everybody will look forward to the new movie!”
For the fans that can’t wait for the movie as much as us at SEA Wave, you can follow updates and announcements on the movie’s progress using the #DBSuperMovie on Toei Animation’s social media accounts.
What are your thoughts on this exciting Dragon Ball news from Toei? Share your thoughts below.
Featured image from Toei Animation